Thank you for visiting the Central Carolina Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association website!
Our chapter reaches out to music teachers in the Piedmont and Coastal regions of North Carolina to provide fellowship and high quality staff development for those who wish to learn about teaching music with the Orff-Schulwerk process.
Our Mission: 1) to demonstrate and promote the value of Orff-Schulwerk 2) to support professional development opportunities 3) to align applications of the Orff-Schulwerk approach with the changing needs of American society.
We invite you become a member of our chapter and the national organization AOSA - we look forward to seeing you at this year's workshops!
A message to CCCAOSA Members and Visitors to this site from the Board:
We, the board of the Central Carolina Chapter of AOSA, believe unequivocally that Black Lives Matter. In the matter of violence against the Black community, silence is deadly, and we apologize for not making this statement sooner. We stand with those opposing racism in all forms and we pledge to hold each other accountable for our words and actions. It is important that we recognize that all of our board members are white and therefore cannot fully understand what it is like to be Black in America. We condemn the systematic racial inequalities of our country and acknowledge that we have played a part in that system. We promise to do better. We stand with AOSA’s Statement Denouncing Violence Against Black People, and pledge to ensure that the clinicians we invite to our chapter to teach us hold the same values.
The American Orff-Schulwerk Association strongly encourages members to be positive and discreet when discussing our organization, specific courses and/or teachers, and the Orff movement. The very nature of the Orff Schulwerk philosophy embodies a broad spectrum of expressions exploring different paths to arrive at artistic and educational goals. Members are encouraged to recognize and remain open to varied approaches and to celebrate both our differences and our similarities.
Looking for AOSA Summer professional development opportunities? Click here.